December sale.png

Storewide Sale Starts Now

What's on sale? Every bike in the shop is currently on sale and every other item* is 20% off. It's that simple. Every item? Well, yeah. That means apparel from Rapha, Giordana, Castelli, and more. All eyewear, all gloves, all shoes and helmets. Tires and tubes and sealant and lights. All of it--everything--even labor-- is a 20% off. As for bikes, prices vary but you'll save on all of them.

If you're wondering what bikes are in stock and what the sale prices are, we got you. Each Friday and Monday (best we can) we'll update the list of bikes (pdf link, below) with the make, model, size, and color of each, as well as quantity on hand (QOH), the MSRP, and the current sale price! To see the bikes or ask questions about specs, we encourage you to swing by the shop--now at 115 Sandra Muraida Way, Suite 102--or call the sales staff at 512-473-0222, or check the specs and colors out on each manufacturer's site.

We reserve the right to adjust errors and omissions on our list. Because we're human and sometimes we make mistakes. And since this is marginally analog, and folks buy bikes all the time, this list is as current as it reasonably can be given the previously mentioned planned publishing schedule. Want to know if something is still in stock? Again, give the sales team a call at 512-473-0222 or drop them a line at Or swing by. We'd love to see you! We're at the shop weekdays 10 am to 6 pm and weekends 10 am to 5 pm.

Storewide sale ends January 4. Happy shopping and #rideyourbike!

*some Garmin items are excluded from the sale.